Why I run when I am not in love with running?

Yesterday I ran the Minnetonka 1/2 Marathon for the third time.  I am not one of those crazy runner types, in fact I often complain, long for it to be over, and get annoyed with all of my friends that tell me "they could run forever".  What is wrong with them anyway???  But here I am.  I did it again. 


In fact I have been doing at least one race each spring for the last 4 or 5 years.  So, I thought in today's post I would share my "why" and maybe in return give you some insight into how you can find your fitness stride (HA HA).  

I started running many years ago when I had a roommate that was running marathons.  I thought to myself if she can run 26 miles I can surely run ONE.  Well, let me tell you that first mile SUCKED.  I hated it but I was determined.  I lived by Lake Calhoun and slowly built my way to running the whole lake.  I lived close by so eventually, I decided if I ran from my house I wouldn't have to drive to the lake and deal with parking.  That was 5 miles.  I lived in this space for a very long time running mostly 3 miles a few times per week.  I did not love it but I loved being outside and I loved that I could get a hard workout in 30 minutes. 

Fast forward many years later and throw a couple of kids in the mix and that is how I ended up running longer races.  I didn't have a lot of time to myself but I could take my kids and sometimes I could leave them home and run with my friends.  This gave me lots of options during a busy time.

See running for me is so many different things.  It is therapeutic (I don't have to use my brain).  I can get it done quickly,  it is a time to socialize, and it is a time to get fresh air and do something for myself.    It is not the run I love but the social time, the "me time",  and the fresh air.   The flexibility I have to do it almost anytime, anywhere, alone or with others, indoors or outdoor.  I run races because it motivates me to run, gets me excited to run, and gives me an excuse to be with my friends.  

My advice to you. Find inspiration.  Set goals.  Make it fun.  

Happy running or whatever it is you like to do.  If you are not sure what you like to do contact me and I can help you figure it out.  T  


Weight is Not the Best Indicator of Progress or Success

So often we get hung up one the numbers on the scale.  We set goals to lose 10, 20, 30 lbs and while this is tangible it is not always in our control and can be a very demotivating and misleading way to measure progress. 

Here are some questions to consider when getting hung up on the numbers on the scale.  What does that number really mean?  What is going to be different about your life when you lose that 10, 20, 30 lbs?  Weight loss takes time.  What will you do to stay motivated during the process?  What will your motivation be to maintain those changes once you lose the weight?

Here are some better ways to decide if your nutrition and exercise plan is steering you in the direction of your goals and leading you to sustainable long term success.

1)  Do you feel satisfied after meals?  Processed foods will leave you wanting more, it will force you to use "willpower" to avoid overeating.  If you are eating healthy and nutrient dense food your body will know when to stop and you will feel full and satisfied.  When was the last time you over ate carrots??  When was the last time you couldn't stop eating the potato chips you were only going to have 1 of?  

2)  How is your energy?  Do you need caffeine or sugar to keep your energy stable.  Do you need to use the snooze button in the morning.  Being nutrient deficient and not moving enough will drain your energy.  If you do not have to rely on caffeine and sugar for energy this is a good thing!!

3) How are you sleeping?  Poor sleep can be caused by stress, aging, hormonal changes , being a new parent, and so on.  Caffeine, sugar and alcohol can impact your sleep. If your sleep improves you are making progress rather or not the scale is changing.  

4)How do your clothes fit?  Muscle weighs more then fat but takes up less space.  So even though that number may not change as you would like you still are making progress. Bonus: muscle burns more calories, as much as 50 calories per lb.  So, pick up those dumbells!! 

5)What kind of mood are you in?  If it is a sustainable plan you will be happy, you shouldn't feel hangry, crabby, or like a party pooper.  A good nutrition and exercise program will leave you feeling confident, empowered to keep going, clear headed and positive.  You will be motivated to continue regardless of the number on the scale.  

My goal is not to simply help clients lose weight but to help you live your life to the fullest.  To be happy, confident, and excited about life, and proud of your progress even if that number on the scale isn't giving you the answer you were hoping for.  .

Contact me today to find out how wellness coaching might be able to help.